Fusion Engineering - Making the Complex Simple
With more than 100 years of professional engineering consulting experience, the scientists, engineers, and technicians at Fusion Engineering possess the expertise to assist clients with even the most complex technical issues. Whether you need assistance with new product development, professional engineering consulting, a custom mechanical design, an intellectual property review, post-incident investigation and reconstruction, or failure analysis, our diverse experiences and multi-disciplinary approach add clarity to the analysis. Fusion Engineering’s state-of-the-art equipment allows for precise documentation of critical measurements and dimensions. Fusion's highly-credentialed experts have authored dozens of peer-reviewed publications and presentations, have been awarded multiple patents, have deposition/trial experience, and are members of technical committees. We excel in communicating difficult technical concepts clearly and concisely.

Fusion Engineering staff possess the educational background and years of practical experience to cover a variety of practice areas.
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Fusion Engineering’s multi-disciplinary team of scientists and engineers are recognized nationwide for their breadth and depth of knowledge.
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Contact Fusion Engineering, LLC. today for excellent engineering and scientific consulting expertise.
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